Bhubaneswar-In a significant statement in the Odisha Assembly today, Forest, Environment and Climate Change Minister Ganesh Ram Singhkhuntia revealed that 34 leopards and 3 Royal Bengal Tigers have died across various forests in the state between 2019-20 and 2024-25. This disclosure came in response to a query by Congress MLA Tara Prasad Bahinipati regarding the number of tiger deaths, their causes, and the current status of these large cats in Odisha.
According to Singhkhuntia, the deaths of 34 leopards were attributed to various causes, including 17 leopards killed by poachers, 3 electrocuted after coming into contact with live wires, 1 leopard died in a railway accident, 3 leopards were accidentally hit by vehicles, 4 died of natural causes, 3 deaths were attributed to unidentified reasons. As for the three Royal Bengal Tigers, one death occurred due to poaching, another due to infighting, and the third due to unspecified reasons.
The Minister also provided an update on the current population of large cats in Odisha. According to the All Odisha Tiger Estimation Report, there are currently 30 Royal Bengal Tigers in the state. Additionally, the All Odisha Leopard Estimation Report 2024 states that the state is home to 696 leopards.