Bargarh: A verdict has been delivered on Monday in a murder case that occurred in 2018 in Bhatli, Bargarh district of Odisha. In this case, the current Bhatli MLA, Irashis Acharya, along with three others, has been acquitted of all charges. According to reports, a shooting incident took place in Bhatli in 2018, resulting in the death of a young man named Bulu Satnami. The police had arrested Irashis, along with Pramod Podha, Babalu Nag, and Banti Orph Ayushman in connection with the incident.
Irashis had been in jail for several months but later received bail. After hearing the case, Bargarh Additional District and Dauraaj Court found the evidence insufficient and acquitted all the accused of the charges. Irashis and Pramod Podha were represented by advocates Sharath Pradhan, Saroj Jena, and Kishore Dafaadar. Babalu’s defense was handled by advocate Pradeep Mahapatra, while Banti’s case was represented by advocate Lipsit Mishra.
It is noteworthy that during the time of the murder incident, Irashis was not serving as the MLA of Bhatli.