Mumbai-Oncologists at Tata Memorial Hospital have rejected Congress leader Navjot Sidhu’s claims that his wife, Navjot Kaur, overcame stage 4 cancer through a strict dietary regimen. The hospital’s director, Dr. CS Pramesh, called the remarks “unscientific and baseless,” emphasizing the lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of remedies such as turmeric, neem water, and dietary restrictions in curing cancer.
Sidhu, in a press conference, credited his wife’s recovery to a diet involving turmeric, neem water, apple cider vinegar, lemon water, intermittent fasting, and the avoidance of sugar and carbohydrates. He claimed these measures helped her survive despite being given only a 5% chance and discharged within 40 days.
The hospital’s statement, signed by 262 current and former oncologists, clarified that proven treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy were responsible for her recovery. “There is no clinical data to support neem and haldi as anti-cancer agents,” the statement read.
Dr. Pramesh urged cancer patients to avoid delaying evidence-based treatments in favor of “unproven remedies.” Posting on X (formerly Twitter), he cautioned the public against being “fooled” by such claims, stating that Navjot Kaur underwent surgery and chemotherapy, which were critical to her recovery.
The oncologists reinforced that early detection and established medical treatments are the cornerstone of curing cancer, urging the public to rely on scientifically validated therapies.
Photo Credit:-india tv news