Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi on Sunday unveiled the “Shahid Madho Singh Haath Kharcha Scheme” at the Adivasi Mela held at the Exhibition Ground in Bhubaneswar. The initiative aims to tackle the high dropout rates among Scheduled Tribe (ST) students by providing financial support for their education.
Under the scheme, ST students enrolling in Class IX and Class XI will receive a one-time incentive of Rs5,000. This financial aid is designed to encourage greater enrollment and ensure the completion of secondary and higher secondary education among tribal students.
The scheme is exclusively available to ST students for the academic year 2024-2025. To qualify, the annual family income of students must not exceed Rs2,50,000, and they must be enrolled in government or government-aided high schools and higher secondary schools across the state.
Eligible students will receive the incentive directly in their bank accounts, ensuring transparency and ease of access. School Principals or Headmasters will recommend and process applications through the **Odisha State Scholarship Portal** to facilitate the distribution of funds.
Speaking at the launch, CM Mohan Charan Majhi emphasized the government’s commitment to improving educational opportunities for tribal communities. “This scheme reflects our dedication to ensuring no child is left behind in their pursuit of education,” he said.
The Shahid Madho Singh Haath Kharcha Scheme is expected to empower tribal students by reducing financial barriers, promoting educational equity, and building a brighter future for the state’s tribal youth.