Bhubaneswar: A groundbreaking solar power equipment manufacturing plant, with a staggering investment of Rs25,000 crore, is set to transform Dhenkanal district. The project, led by WAREE Energies Limited, was inaugurated on Monday by Odisha’s Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister, Krushna Chandra Patra.
Located in Neulpoi, Dhenkanal, the massive facility will span 595 acres and is expected to produce 6 gigawatts of solar energy. This initiative is not only poised to meet the growing energy demands of Odisha but also to contribute to India’s transition towards renewable energy.
The plant will manufacture solar panels, modules, and related components, generating around 14,000 jobs over the next decade. Addressing the gathering, Minister Patra emphasized the transformative potential of the project, stating, “This plant marks a new chapter for Dhenkanal’s development, creating thousands of job opportunities and driving sustainable progress.”
Hitesh Mehta, the factory’s director, shared that the plant is expected to begin electricity production within nine months. He elaborated that job creation will occur in phases, enhancing employment prospects for the local community.
The inauguration ceremony, held with traditional rituals, was attended by key stakeholders and officials. Once operational, the plant will be Odisha’s largest solar energy facility, significantly boosting the state’s renewable energy capacity and reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.