Puri: The iconic Jagannath Temple in Odisha’s Puri will soon prepare Mahaprasad, the sacred offering to the deities, using organically produced rice. The announcement was made by Arabinda Kumar Padhee, Principal Secretary of the Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment Department and Chief Administrator of the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA), during the Krushi Odisha-2025 event in Bhubaneswar.
Padhee emphasized that organic rice, cultivated without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, is more suitable for the preparation of Mahaprasad. This move aligns with the state government’s efforts to promote organic farming across Odisha, ensuring healthier and more sustainable agricultural practices.
Mahaprasad, also known as Abadha, is a vital aspect of the Jagannath Temple’s traditions. Prepared by the Suar and Mahasuar servitors in the temple’s kitchen, it includes rice, dal, mixed curries, cakes, and other delicacies. The cooking process adheres to ancient customs, utilizing earthen pots and firewood.
This initiative not only enhances the sanctity of the offerings but also supports the broader goal of encouraging organic farming in the state. It represents a meaningful step toward preserving cultural heritage while fostering environmental sustainability.