Bhubaneswar-In a pivotal move, the Odisha government has set March 7, 2025, as the deadline for disbursing the last phase of the Subhadra Yojana’s first installment, sparking a mix of anticipation and relief among eligible beneficiaries. Each registered recipient will receive ₹5,000 directly into their accounts, Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida announced in a media briefing.
Parida also dropped a bombshell about the rollout of the scheme’s second installment, slated to begin the very next day, on March 8, 2025. With over 1.4 crore registrations under the scheme and nearly 80.46 lakh beneficiaries already aided, the Subhadra Yojana is cementing its reputation as a game-changer in Odisha’s welfare landscape.
But it’s not all smooth sailing. As physical verification continues for the remaining beneficiaries, Parida issued a word of caution: “Ensure your Aadhar and ration card details are correctly linked to your bank account. A mismatch could delay your assistance.”
Interestingly, the scheme is expanding its eligibility criteria. Citizens turning 21 by March 2025 will now qualify for benefits, a move aimed at capturing the aspirations of Odisha’s younger population.
The Deputy CM urged calm among beneficiaries, advising them to avoid overcrowding at banks on disbursement day. With the clock ticking and expectations soaring, all eyes are on March 7 as Odisha moves to close one chapter of this ambitious welfare initiative while opening the doors to the next.