In a tragic incident, a dog reportedly mauled an elderly woman to death at Narayanpur village under Bhograi police limits in Odisha’s Balasore district, today.
Balasore: In a tragic incident, a dog reportedly mauled an elderly woman to death at Narayanpur village under Bhograi police limits in Odisha’s Balasore district, today.
The deceased was identified as Basanti Sahu.
As per reports, the woman was sitting outside her house this morning, when the dog attacked her. She sustained critical injuries in the attack and screamed for help.
Her family members rushed to the spot and thrashed the dog to death while trying to rescue the woman.
Unfortunately, she succumbed to her injuries.
On the other hand, the villagers have demanded ex gratia for the family of the deceased.
A pall of gloom descended on the locality after the incident.