Delhi/Bargarh: During the Winter Session of the Lok Sabha on Thursday, Bargarh MP Pradip Purohit urged the central government to declare the Gandhamardhan Hills as a national heritage site under Rule 377. Highlighting the ecological and cultural wealth of the 97-km-long hill range, MP Purohit emphasized its significance as a sanctuary for rare medicinal plants, waterfalls, and the source of two major rivers.
The Gandhamardhan Hills, known for its sacred temples Nrusinghanath and Harishankar, also boast historical ties to ancient Buddhist monasteries as chronicled by Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang, who referred to the area as Parimal. Over 50,000 tribal families depend on its natural resources for their livelihoods, making the region vital to both biodiversity and indigenous communities.
Recalling the public outcry against bauxite mining in the 1980s, MP Purohit noted the successful resistance led by tribal communities, which led to the cancellation of mining leases in 1988. However, renewed efforts to exploit the region’s resources remain a concern.
The MP called for the recognition of the Gandhamardhan Hills as a national heritage site and the declaration of Nrusinghanath and Harishankar as national tourist destinations, citing their historical, ecological, and spiritual importance. His proposal has been welcomed as a step toward preserving the region’s unique legacy for future generations.