New Delhi: In the Lok Sabha, the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Bandi Sanjay Kumar, outlined the Central Government’s extensive measures to combat the increasing threat of cyber crimes. While policing and public order remain State subjects as per the Constitution, the Central Government provides substantial support to States and Union Territories (UTs) through advisories, financial aid, and capacity-building initiatives.
The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) serves as a central mechanism to address cyber crimes comprehensively and in coordination with other agencies. The National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal empowers citizens to report cyber crimes, with special provisions for addressing crimes against women and children. Citizens can also use the toll-free helpline 1930 to report financial cyber frauds. Since its launch, the Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting System has helped save over ₹3,431 crore from fraudsters.
Awareness campaigns are a crucial component, featuring SMS alerts, radio messages, social media outreach through Cyber Dost accounts, and digital displays at public locations like airports and railway stations. The government has also conducted extensive cyber hygiene training, benefiting NCC and NSS cadets, government officials, and law enforcement personnel across the country.
To strengthen infrastructure, cyber forensic laboratories have been established in 33 States and UTs, alongside the National Cyber Forensic Laboratory in New Delhi, which has assisted in more than 11,000 cases. Capacity-building initiatives include the CyTrain platform, which has trained over 98,000 police officers on cybercrime investigation and forensics.
Global collaboration plays a vital role in tackling cross-border cybercrime, with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) engaging with Interpol and other international organizations for effective coordination. Platforms like Samanvaya and the Suspect Registry enhance data sharing and analytics, facilitating investigations into cyber crimes across jurisdictions.
Through these concerted efforts, the government seeks to bolster cybersecurity, foster public awareness, and equip law enforcement agencies with the tools and knowledge necessary to combat cyber threats effectively.
Source: PIB