Bijapur: In a tragic turn of events, a deadly Naxal attack claimed the lives of eight District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawans and their driver in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district. The attack occurred on Monday afternoon when a vehicle carrying the security personnel was blown up using an improvised explosive device (IED) weighing an estimated 60-70 kg, according to police reports.
The Incident and Its Aftermath
The explosion took place on the Bedre-Kutru Road, around 70 km from the Bijapur district headquarters. The jawans, part of a joint operation involving forces from Dantewada, Narayanpur, and Bijapur districts, were returning in a Scorpio vehicle when the attack occurred. The DRG unit, along with Bastar Fighters—a specialized division of the state police—suffered heavy losses.
Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range) Sundarraj P confirmed the details and described the attack as the deadliest on security forces in the past two years. Previously, in April 2023, a similar attack in neighboring Dantewada district killed ten police personnel and a civilian driver.
CRPF DG and CM Rush to Bijapur
In response to the attack, Acting Director General of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Vitul Kumar, reached Chhattisgarh on Tuesday to review anti-Naxal operations. Kumar plans to visit the blast site, pay homage to the slain personnel, and assess security measures in the Bastar region, which remains a hotbed of Naxal activity.
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai also traveled to Bijapur by helicopter to honor the martyred soldiers. Condemning the attack, Sai termed it a “cowardly act” by Naxalites, frustrated by ongoing counter-insurgency operations. “The martyrdom of our soldiers will not go in vain,” Sai affirmed, reiterating the state’s commitment to eradicating Naxalism.
Home Minister Amit Shah Vows End to Naxalism by 2026
Union Home Minister Amit Shah expressed profound grief over the loss of lives and assured the nation that the government is resolute in its mission to eliminate Naxalism. “Their sacrifice will not go in vain. We will end Naxalism from the land of India by March 2026,” Shah stated on social media.
Rising Challenges in Bastar Range
The attack comes amid intensified anti-Naxal operations in the Bastar region, where five Naxals were neutralized in recent operations. Hours before Monday’s attack, security forces had recovered and defused a 22 kg IED in the same district, highlighting the continued threat posed by Maoist insurgents.
This brutal strike underscores the challenges faced by security forces in combating Naxalism. The government and security agencies remain determined to uphold peace and justice in the affected regions, vowing to honor the sacrifice of the fallen heroes.