Bargarh: The globally acclaimed Bargarh Dhanuyatra Festival, known as the world’s largest open-air theatrical performance, began with grandeur today at the royal court in Hatpada. On the inaugural day, King Ugrasena of Mathura was deposed, and Prince Kansa assumed the throne, marking the start of this eleven-day cultural extravaganza.
Following Kansa’s ascension to power, he issued decrees stripping Ugrasena of all his royal powers and dismissing his ministers and advisors from their duties. However, Kansa’s reign has ushered in an atmosphere of unrest throughout the kingdom, as depicted in the theatrical performance.
The inaugural ceremony, presided over by Bargarh District Collector and Dhanuyatra Committee Chairman Aditya Goyal, witnessed the presence of prominent guests, including Bargarh MP Pradip Purohit, Bargarh MLA Ashwini Sarangi, Attabira MLA Nihar Ranjan Mohanan, and Bijepur MLA Sanat Gartia. The dignitaries officially opened the festival, extending their best wishes and encouraging the participating artists to uphold the festival’s legacy of portraying the victory of good over evil.
A vibrant cultural procession marked the occasion, starting from Kalyan Mandap at 2 PM. The procession passed through Gandhi Square, where tributes were paid to Mahatma Gandhi, freedom fighter Veer Surendra Sai, and poet Gangadhar Meher. It continued through the streets of Bargarh town, culminating at the Samaleswari Temple. After a ceremonial offering at the temple, the procession arrived at the royal court in Hatpada, where the festival was formally inaugurated.
Collector and Chairman of Dhanuyatra Committee Aditya Goyal, along with Superintedent of Police and Executive Chairman Prahlad Sahay Meena and Secretary Sureshwar Satapathy, wished for the festival’s success during the ceremony. Senior officials, including Additional District Magistrate Mahendra Mahapatra and Madhuchhanda Sahu, were also present.
The Dhanuyatra Festival, deeply rooted in mythology, symbolizes the triumph of virtue over vice. This year’s celebrations, featuring theatrical enactments, cultural performances, and community engagement, promise to captivate audiences over the next eleven days. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Rajendra Prasad Singh, representing the royal court committee.