Puri: Stampede-like situation unfolded at the Jagannath Temple in Puri today when thousands of devotees, frustrated by long waits, broke through security barricades. The incident occurred early in the morning at Bada Danda, the grand avenue leading to the 12th-century shrine, as worshippers queued overnight to seek blessings on the auspicious New Year’s Day.
The situation escalated when an impatient crowd surged forward, overwhelming the security arrangements. Several devotees fell and sustained minor injuries during the commotion. Fortunately, no casualties were reported, and the injured received immediate assistance from fellow worshippers and temple authorities.
Despite elaborate preparations by the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) and Puri district administration, the sheer influx of visitors posed significant challenges. The temple gates were opened at 12:30 am to manage the overwhelming crowd, with barricades extended to Market Square to ensure a smooth flow of devotees.
Heavy security measures were in place, including the deployment of over 60 platoons of police and the declaration of a ‘No Vehicle Zone’ from Market Square to the temple. Surveillance cameras monitored key locations, and ambulance services were on standby for medical emergencies.
Puri SP Vinit Agrawal assured that darshan arrangements were being handled systematically, with devotees proceeding through the seven temple gates in a block-wise manner to minimize inconvenience. However, the unprecedented surge tested these measures.
As thousands gathered at the seaside town to offer prayers to the sibling deities, the administration has vowed to review crowd management strategies to prevent such incidents in the future. Despite the challenges, the spiritual fervor of the devotees remained undeterred as they sought blessings for a prosperous year ahead.