Sudargarh (Tikayatpali): In a heart-wrenching incident that has left Sundargarh district in shock, a seven-month-pregnant woman was brutally killed in her own home. The horrific event unfolded late last night in Jhirapali village under Tikayatpali police, where a peaceful night turned into a nightmare.
Soumya Behera, 25, was asleep with her family when someone knocked persistently on their door around 12:30 AM. Believing it to be urgent, she opened the door only to face a masked assailant. Reports suggest the intruder attempted to snatch her gold chain, but when she resisted and cried for help, the assailant shot her in the chest at point-blank range before fleeing the scene. Soumya was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival. Tragically, her unborn child also lost its life.
Soumya, originally from Chhendipada, had been married to Deben Behera, a Panchayat Executive Officer, just last year. The couple was eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child in two months. What should have been a time of joy turned into a devastating tragedy, leaving the family shattered and the community horrified.
The grieving parents of the deceased are inconsolable, questioning the cruel fate that robbed them of their daughter and unborn grandchild. Neighbors and relatives, equally stunned, are demanding justice and answers.
The police are investigating whether this was a case of robbery gone wrong or a premeditated murder. Given the unusual circumstances, including why Soumya opened the door at such a late hour, authorities are leaving no stone unturned. DIG and Rourkela SP have personally taken charge of the case, with forensic teams combing through evidence to unravel the mystery behind the crime.
This senseless act of violence has sparked widespread outrage and fear across the district. Residents are demanding swift action to ensure the perpetrator is brought to justice. As the investigation unfolds, the community mourns the loss of two innocent lives—a young mother and her unborn child—taken away in a moment of sheer brutality.